Loukas Theodosiou
My interest in evolutionary biology and experimental evolution started while I was an undergrad in the lab of Dieter Ebert in Basel, Switzerland. In Dieter’s lab, I had the opportunity to study host-parasite interactions between Daphnia Magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteria Ramosa. In the labs of Thomas Lenormand and Christoph Haag in Montpellier, France, I worked with another crustacean, the Artemia spK. In Montpellier, I discovered that Artemia Spk has one of the lowest recombination rates ever reported.
Later I moved in the lab of Oscar Puebla in Kiel, Germany. In Puebla lab, we found that the individuals of the simultaneously hermaphroditic species Hypoplectrus nigricans recombine more when producing an egg compare to a sperm. Same individual two different recombination rates. Later for my PhD, I worked in the lab of Lutz Becks, where I focused on how environmental changes may alter eco-evolutionary dynamics (https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2435.13263 & https://www.pnas.org/content/114/42/11193.short). I am member of the Rainey Lab since 2018.
Research interests
Population genetics, Mathematical modelling, Experimental evolution. Currently, my main focus is to understand how the genomic diversity of bacteria is generated and maintained in a structured environment over time. For this, I have developed a quasi-chemostat system where I track barcoded lineages of our favourite model organism, Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25. In parallel I develop mathematical models to increase the understanding of our data.p